Friday, June 4, 2010

JESUS ( Jeremy Sisto ) 1999 trailer


i watch this movie it okay but good it not same as bible  in start  mary fell love Jesus and want sweetheart with him  bible not said  and satan tempt Jesus  Satan change as Mary woman  it not bible said it is not truth  but mid of story  preach and heal and walk on sea pretty  and last supper and Jesus pray and crucifixion to risen from died but one wrong thing mary hug Jesus when she see Jesus risen  i read John 20:17 Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.
 when you watch any movie and same read bible see if same ok

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Gospel Of John

Visual Bible: The Gospel of John 2002

Visual Bible: The Gospel of John
this is best story as matthew movie but this movie is very good and full bible niv John but some not same way on cross but it not bad as passion of christ worst so this movie make me Jesus teach and heal and see many thing in John eyewitness  i said same as Matthew  i loved it movie  as both of Matthew and John is my favorite story

Matthew Visual Bible

Visual Bible's Matthew 1993

Visual Bible's  Matthew
wow wow that my great favorite  movie why  drama is good act because Jesus alway smile or laugh  he never be sad as other movie  i said 100 % great story
View the birth of Jesus Christ. See His baptism, watch Him perform miracles of healing and crucifixion to even raise the dead. Watch him teach about His kingdom.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ of Nazareth in brief, according to The Visual Bible (NIV) Matthew, starring Bruce Marchiano and directed by Regardt van den Bergh.

The Passion of the Christ Trailer G

Passion of Christ 2004

The Passion of Christ 

Mel Gibson's Powerful Film
The truth about the passion of Christ is revealed in the Bible in Matthew 26:36 - 28:10. Why was it necessary for Christ to die on the cross? Mel Gibson's powerful new film about the last twelve hours of Jesus Christ is making quite an impact on people. What is the "Passion" of Christ? As the Bible reveals, it is His intense love for every person and desire that all will spend eternity with Him in heaven. This is the reason Christ came to earth and went to the cross to die a horrific death.

i watch many time keep study bible said 100% truth  that Jesus go though many suffer and pain and on the cross for 6 hour  now this movie is about last day of Christ 

some thing not sure  Jews not kill Jesus or Roman not kill Jesus  it was God reason sent his son in world died for our sin  as bible said John 3: 16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
  it make me so cry hard to see Jesus though many suffer it sure what bible said so  horror time that Jesus is become weak  and pain  then end  story Jesus wake from died walk out tomb mean he risen  amen Amen 

The Greatest Story Ever Told Trailer



In the beginning was the word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. I am He. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him, was made nothing that has been made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of man. And the light shines on in the darkness, and the darkness grasped it not. The greatest story ever told...
some ia same bible but not same bible as  Judas Iscariot kills himself by jumping into a fire, but the Gospel accounts of this story say he hung himself. Also, after the Gospels, at the beginning of the Book of Acts, it is reported that Judas also died when he fell and his body split open, perhaps in the act of hanging himself. No where is his death associated with a fire. it not right
but drama of Jesus good act 

Jesus of Nazareth (Franco Zeffirelli) music video

Jesus of nareth 1977

 Jesus of Nazareth 

Beginning before the Nativity and extending through the Crucifixion and Resurrection, Jesus Of Nazareth brings to life all the majesty and sweeping drama of the life of Jesus (portrayed here by Robert Powell) as told in the Gospels. A star-studded international cast, featuring Michael York, Sir Laurence Olivier, James Earl Jones, Anne Bancroft, Olivia Hussey, Rod Steiger and Anthony Quinn, adds depth an humanity to the roles of saints, sinners and ordinary people who walked in the footsteps of the Lord. The film provides the setting and background for the birth, childhood, baptism, teaching and many miracles of the Messiah, culminating in the Divine Resurrection. Directed by Oscar nominee Franco Zeffirelli and acclaimed by critics and religious leaders worldwide, Jesus Of Nazareth tells the greatest of all stories

i were watch this movie  it long time of movie 6 hours  it very good but some same bible and some not same bible  and i like drama of Jesus   

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


King of Kings 

King of Kings 1961

story about life of Jesus Christ  happen Romans time war Jews  lot story about war alway few story about Jesus Christ.  i thimk it good movie but not same as bible 
contrasts between Jesus and Barrabas. The film portrays the thief as a rebel leader of the Jewish resistance; unlike Jesus, who preaches a message of peace, Barrabas advocates violence as a means to an end. By building his drama around this religious and philosophical conflict, Ray establishes a tension that defamiliarizes this well-known story. Highlights include the Sermon on the Mount and the scene in which Salome asks King Herod for the head of John the Baptist


hello it is new web deaf bible study news or movie what truth or fake many new story i try work on it